Voices for Voices®

Is Realm Maker's Leadership Linked to Human Trafficking? | Episode 193

Founder of Voices for Voices®, Justin Alan Hayes Season 4 Episode 193

Is Realm Maker's Leadership Linked to Human Trafficking? | Episode 193

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In this gripping episode, we delve into the chilling world of human trafficking as experienced by survivors David and Amanda Solomon. Their powerful stories shed light on the insidious dangers lurking within seemingly safe platforms in the Christian writing space. As they recount their struggles with trauma and their outspoken advocacy for child safety, their narratives reveal unsettling truths about how trust can be exploited by those who should protect our youth. The Solomons specifically address the growing concerns surrounding Realm Makers, a prominent Christian fantasy writing community, and the alarming behaviors that risk the safety of aspiring young writers.

Throughout our discussion, we challenge listeners to scrutinize these platforms and remain vigilant about the potential for predatory behavior that exists in digital spaces. By exposing truths that many may shy away from discussing, we aim to empower parents and guardians to take proactive measures to protect their children. As advocates for change, David and Amanda call for accountability among leaders in the Christian community, emphasizing that faith does not excuse misconduct.

With a blend of personal stories and practical advice, this episode serves as a vital resource for anyone concerned about the safety of children in today's world. We encourage you to share this important message and engage with the community around you. Stand with us as a voice for change and let’s work together to protect future generations. Subscribe, listen, and let us know your thoughts—together, we can raise awareness and create a safer future for everyone.

Discusses the alarming reality of human trafficking and its connection to Christian media platforms

  • Highlights personal stories of survivors David and Amanda Solomon
  • Explores the systemic issues within organizations like Realm Makers
  • Raises critical questions about the safety of children in online spaces
  • Calls for action and awareness in local communities
  • Encourages listeners to advocate for changes in leadership and media responsibility

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to this episode of the Voices for Voices TV show and podcast. I'm founder and executive director of Voices for Voices, justin Allen Hayes. Thank you for joining us on this episode, as well as the over 180 episodes, and we're going to be hitting 300 total by the end of 2025. If you can give us a thumbs up, like share, follow Voices for Voices on all major social media platforms and we have that goal of helping 3 billion people over the course of my lifetime and beyond. So any help you can do, appreciate that it doesn't cost anything and thank you for the support. So we're all going to be able to do one episode.

Speaker 1:

So I cut the intro a little bit shorter. So who we have on today's show is David and Amanda Solomon. We had them as guests last year and David, of course, has just powerful information about what's going on in his life, his wife and their lives, and how trafficking is really broadening out from coming, I'll say, out of the dark now it's into the light. So, dave and Amanda, thank you for joining us today. Pleasure to be here, absolutely. And then, just for our viewers and our listeners, we're not going to be putting the photos of David and Amanda for security purposes. So that's. I wanted to just cover that. Okay, david, do you want to jump in to what's happening? Yeah?

Speaker 2:

for those of you who don't know who I am, uh, I'm a survivor of human trafficking. I've been an advocate in the hollywood and writing world for it, uh, and I've spoken very bluntly on social media platforms about it. Um and uh, this is kind of an update of what's going on in our life, cause a lot of people have been questioning that. Um, we, uh, we had an event take place what was it, honey? Six months ago, yeah, six months ago and uh, we kind of wanted to address it for everyone, please. Um, I'm going to put a trigger warning that this is gonna target human trafficking.

Speaker 2:

So it all began when I got back into the writing world of Christian fantasy. For those of you who don't know, I stated that one of the people that trafficked me his name was Brian Davis. He's a Christian fantasy author and he had a strong relationship with a group called Realm Makers, which is a Christian fantasy writing app for children, teens and adults, for children, teens and adults. They now are the biggest voice in Christianity for fiction, tv or media, and the reason I felt this needed to be done is so many of my good writing friends are being gone after right now because of this group. So we joined this group you know, not knowing Mr Davis was tied to it to get our careers back going and trying to be a light for the world and get some good stuff out Trying to be a light for the world and get some good stuff out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I came into criticism when I went to the leader, Scott Minor, when I learned that Brian Davis was messaging children on the app the app's like Facebook for writers. In July it's going to be the biggest social media platform for Christians. They're estimating probably about 10,000 to 20,000 people added per day, so it's going to be pretty big. Scott Miner learned who I was and basically crucified my wife saying well, you know, I want the police report number and then I also want the national human trafficking number of your case, because I've heard about you from brian Brian Davis and I want to know all the facts. So you either send that to me or I'm going to destroy your career forever. So me and Amanda decided we had nothing to lose because it's my career, all my works that I've done, and so, hey, I gave him the case number and I was an honest person. He was not and instead of being an honest person, he did the opposite and started a hate group in the shadows and he invited four individuals. We're not going to name two of those because those two have been put in danger, but I am going to name the second individual, sophia Hansen, who is a Christian fantasy author and although I'm not coming out here and bluntly saying she's a human trafficker, I do have evidence that says otherwise from many individuals now that have come forward. And this hate group was created to spread lies about me and Amanda through social media, through all means. It was done in the shadows of the Christian church, if you will. Different pastors had their say in the group, different writers that have known me for years, and then there were letters that were handed out to anyone who took my side that I was a trafficked victim and that me and my wife took a stand and said people like Brian Davis cannot message kids on this app about porn, about sex it should not be allowed on a Christian app. And we took a stand and we got ridiculed and basically anyone that believed us got letters in the mail and they got threatened and many writers lost their careers. So you won't hear a lot of good writers right now because their careers are destroyed and they will never have those careers again.

Speaker 2:

One person I wanted to point out, uh, that my wife and I learned was a man named Von Omen, one of the leaders of Realm Makers. Von Omen marries children as old as eight years old to 11, and he runs a children's retreat which is sponsored by Realm Makers, sponsored by realm makers. Um, and then, uh, I wanted parents to be really aware because this is coming up in july in st louis. Um, no, they moved it. That's right to, uh, minnesota. Uh, I think it's what great falls, I think something.

Speaker 3:

mention your age.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So you can be as young as 12 years old on Realm and they track what you search. They have your cookies so they know what you're looking up.

Speaker 2:

And it says on there that they track what you search and they track your location. So your 12-year-old is being monitored by other adults, so your 12-year-old is being monitored by other adults and this is the biggest Christian media outlet that will hit.

Speaker 2:

And the other thing I want to address before questions is you know this is going to be a problem for the United States and for homeschoolers, and if there's a parent out there who has a child on Rome right now and I'm sure there's going to be a lot of you that are going to hear this, don't take my word for it. There are several people right now who are terrified of its leadership Mr Scott Miner, who runs a Christian, if I will writing network Facebook, who has not written a book himself and only runs it for the money, that is, who is running our Christian media for fiction, for books, for TV, for movies that is our future for Christian video games. I'm looking at you, angel Studios. I'm looking at you, angel Studios. The name of the person that I'm talking about on there, by the way, parents, is V-A-U-G-H space, o-h-l-m-a-n, and you can just type that in and then Quivering, that comes right up with several documentaries on this guy. And then my ex-captor, brian Davis An update on that too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I have had contact with him. Unfortunately, he did choose to put it upon himself to try to contact me, and I have put it to rest and said you did what you did. I have no hate, I have no discontent and I have no anger towards him, I pray for him and I think God holds him responsible for the events that have taken place. But I can't change the past. I can only change the future.

Speaker 2:

I understand that he's in poor health and I myself actually was in poor health and still am because of COVID, and I pray for him. But I don't forget him and I think I speak for a lot of survivors from people like this, learning that journey of forgiving and not forgetting. If you're parents, if you're going to look these people up that I mentioned, look these people up that I mentioned, just be aware of what these people are doing to children and that is human trafficking. It is to my knowledge at this time that Mr Davis has stopped trafficking because of this podcast parents. Apparently this podcast reached so many parents that his books were boycotted in a lot of places, primarily Ohio.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I want to congratulate our listeners on that, because people started to wake up, so I hope someone heeds the warning. The name of the website that I'm talking about is Realm Makers, like it sounds, and Scott Miner is the leader of that group. Um, the other thing I also wanted to update uh with that group, a man named Wayne Thomas Batson, uh, who I've mentioned before in the past. I wanted to correct one thing, because people have been, uh been saying things about me and him. I have nothing negative to say about that person, nor have I, and there is no evidence to suggest at the moment that he is involved in this, but other people are not innocent in this group. I also wanted to say that if you are a member of Realm, it does not mean that all the thousands of users are human traffickers. It means that two of its leaders might be, and then there are predators like Von Omen and a few others that are members and are leeching on to prey on children on this app prey on children on this tap.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like they're using the analytics and they're sharing that kind of with the operatives we'll call it and those are some of the people that are preying on. That's just incredible, amanda. Amanda, what you said about one of the last questions when you're joining, about the age, that's just, that's incredible. We're definitely going to get this show out and we want as many people to hear it, watch it, share it, and I had no idea about the impact of boycotting. That really just shows the power of what you're doing and you're using your voice. You're sharing exactly what's happening, what has happened, in the hopes to not only stop individuals that have impacted you, but other people, even if it's just one person that doesn't go down that path, that's one person that's been helped and saved, and we obviously have bigger goals. We want to help everybody so that this doesn't occur from a. Would you say, david, that this should be shut down? Is that a message we should be sharing or?

Speaker 2:

I don't think so. I think it needs new leadership because if you shut it down, you make a mistake of killing all Christian content. And in a world of woke philosophy and politics, aside confusing morals, there is an appropriate place for Christian fiction to serve and to save lives, and by you know, by all means it has saved lives. But what I can say from what I know of the story, leadership took a role here where Mr Miner, I think he, saw an opportunity of a market that is not known about and he said oh, no one's going to look for predators in a Christian market.

Speaker 3:

Wolf and sheep's clothing.

Speaker 2:

Wolf and sheep's clothing. And then we can go to homeschool conventions and we can go to you know, get kids, and we can go to their churches and we can plant ourselves and install ourselves and install fear and persecution if you go against us, which is exactly what happened.

Speaker 3:

They took advantage of our son writing his own book.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they pulled it. That was punishment, mr Miner said, basically retribution for me going against Brian Davis.

Speaker 2:

Warning other Warning Warning other authors and it should be noted that parents who are listening, just because these people are Christian, famous millionaire authors and I mean millionaire authors it does not give them a special right to act as guardian, it does not give them a special right to have access to your children behind the scenes.

Speaker 2:

So I still take my stance and I think a lot of people on Realm who are going to hear this, but also a lot of people that know I'm here from Realm that there needs to be leadership, because I speak for the parents right now that have contacted me. Their children are in danger, danger and they are terrified because when you sign up for this and they promise you the world, they promise you a career and you're, for example, a 15 year old girl or boy writer and you're working with these famous multi-millionaire authors some christians, some not, by the way, parents, not just christian authors on here. We're talking disney, we're talking fox, we're talking abc. There's some major authors on here and when you create that atmosphere, it's exciting and you know who wouldn't want to join right as a teen or preteen?

Speaker 3:

talk to their favorite author.

Speaker 2:

Right, but then that relationship is abused and what we're seeing here is a lot of these authors, the big time authors, are taking advantage. A little charge for money here, a little charge for money there. Hey, you want to be a friend? Hey, what do you look like? Hey, you know, what size do you wear? We see this disease slowly engulf what was meant to be good.

Speaker 1:

So, to answer your question, if it should be shut down, absolutely not good yeah um I think that's that, that's key to that, to share that because, yeah, we we don't want to, we don't want to do harm to no, we want to do harm to.

Speaker 2:

No, we want to spread awareness, particularly to its leadership, and say listen, mr Scott Minor, I'm not the first one you've done this to where not only you kicked me off the writing world of Christian fiction, but where not only you kicked me off the writing world of Christian fiction, but you also threatened my son, you threatened my wife, you threatened other people I've worked with, and he made good on those threats too, and that's called a bully, more importantly, a desperate bully who has something to hide.

Speaker 3:

All you wanted to do was bring awareness. All I wanted to do yeah.

Speaker 2:

All I wanted to do was bring awareness, and I didn't say anything else. All I said was listen. This man talks to children. I think it's inappropriate. There are eight-year-olds on here, there are nine-year-olds on here and he is talking to children about some things that should not be talked about.

Speaker 3:

And he said we mentioned the harvest interview. I think we spoke about that in the last interview.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

If you look up Brian Davis Harvest interview, he admits to talking to minor children behind their parents' back about pornography and cutting.

Speaker 2:

Scott Minor justified it by saying that's God's work.

Speaker 3:

He was doing God's work and justified why it was okay for a man to do that.

Speaker 2:

So you know he's doing the devil's work? Yeah, and it needs to be exposed. Publishers like to name one, tinstall. You know who Tinstall is.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Thomas Nelson. These giants are backing Realm. This is where your Bibles come from, parents, and if this isn't stopped, if people don't hear this by July, you are going to hear it too late. You are going to hear Scott Miner's name on your TV to hear it too late. You are going to hear Scott Miner's name on your TV. It's a giant movement and giant convention, especially with our politics in the White House. They plan to have a place in the White House Because of controlling that Christian media outlet.

Speaker 2:

So let me put into perspective reality. Right now there's a deal that one of my dear friends got threaded by, that Scott Miner would take ownership of the biggest Christian video game company and Realm will control those video games. Realm will control that content, um movies and tv shows. I'm looking at angel studios, I'm looking at amazon, I'm looking at netflix and fox. They will control those christian outlets.

Speaker 2:

Um, why they want a position in the white house and politics? Because they're conservative and they're going to abuse how naive some uh amish, or should we say uh more uh sheltered christians out there have been and they're going to abuse that integrity and take advantage and manipulate the media, which is what they're doing now. So July 18th to the 20th is when Realm Makers Conference is going to be. These people are going to be there. I urge parents, if you are going to keep a lock on your children at all times. These authors are predators Not all of them, but the majority of them Probably like maybe what 40% of the professional authors, should we say are the predators and the rest are just users, kids and people that want to be normal authors.

Speaker 3:

They don't know that this is even going on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's all in the background there. They don't even know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and there are some good authors that do know what's going on right now that have stood in the shadows because their careers will forever be tarnished. I spoke with two of them and they told me to do this because this is going to get to a level where it can't be stopped and human trafficking in Scott Miner's words, it's not a crime.

Speaker 3:

They're pushing the good leaders out, so the bad can take over Right.

Speaker 2:

So it needs to be addressed, it needs to be talked about, and this isn't to condemn one author over the other. This isn't to condemn the network. This is to condemn the actions of its leadership, and Scott Minor and his wife Becky Minor, for that matter, have failed children, and that's what I want to, not just young children, but young adults as well. Young adults too, yeah.

Speaker 1:

We got like 30 seconds just as an FYI.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that's what I want the takeaway to be from this.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for sharing this and I plan on doing a couple of TikTok videos on this before this episode hits next month. But thank you for joining us. We'll definitely keep in touch and share when the episode comes out, and hope you stay safe and we'll talk soon we appreciate you, thank you.

Speaker 1:

you're welcome, absolutely, and thanks for watching our viewers, our listeners here in northeast Ohio, across the state of Ohio and across the United States and 51 countries and 520 cities that we're reaching. This is important, impactful work and content we're sharing. So please take this conversation very, very seriously when they are speaking, because this is happening and we want to help and save as many people as possible and steer them away and have that leadership change happen, and we'll definitely let the we'll tag the government, the White House, in that, to make sure that they're really still aware of that. So until next time, I'm Justin Allen Hayes, founder and executive director of Voices for Voices and thank you for joining us. Please be a voice for you or somebody in need.

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